This is how you define the HTML that RDoc
generates. Simply create a file in rdoc/generators/html_templates that
creates the module RDoc::Page and populate it as
described below. Then invoke rdoc using the --template <name of your
file> option, and your template will be used.
The constants defining pages use a simple templating system:
- The templating system is passed a hash. Keys in the hash correspond to tags
on this page. The tag %abc% is looked up in the hash, and is replaced by
the corresponding hash value.
- Some tags are optional. You can detect this using IF/ENDIF
IF: title
The value of title is %title%
ENDIF: title
- Some entries in the hash have values that are arrays, where each entry in
the array is itself a hash. These are used to generate lists using the
START: construct. For example, given a hash containing
{ 'people' => [ { 'name' => 'Fred', 'age' => '12' },
{ 'name' => 'Mary', 'age' => '21' } ]
You could generate a simple table using
These lists can be nested to an arbitrary depth
- the construct HREF:url:name: generates <a
href="%url%">%name%</a> if url is defined in
the hash, or %name% otherwise.
Your file must contain the following constants
- a list of fonts to be used
- a CSS section (without the <style> or comments). This is used to
generate a style.css file
- The main body of all non-index RDoc pages. BODY
will contain two !INCLUDE!s. The first is used to include a document-type
specific header (FILE_PAGE or CLASS_PAGE). The second include is for the
method list (METHOD_LIST). THe body is passed:
%title%: | the page's title
%style_url%: | the url of a style sheet for this page
%diagram%: | the optional URL of a diagram for this page
%description: | a (potentially multi-paragraph) string containing the description for th
%requires%: | an optional list of %aref%/%name% pairs, one for each module required by
this file.
%methods%: | an optional list of %aref%/%name%, one for each method documented on this
page. This is intended to be an index.
%attributes: | An optional list. For each attribute it contains:
%name%: | the attribute name
%rw%: | r/o, w/o, or r/w
%a_desc%: | description of the attribute
%classlist%: | An optional strin containing an already-formatted list of classes and
modules documented in this file
For FILE_PAGE entries, the body will be passed
%short_name: | The name of the file
%full_path%: | The full path to the file
%dtm_modified%: | The date/time the file was last changed
For class and module pages, the body will be passed
%classmod%: | The name of the class or module
%files%: | A list. FOr each file this class is defined in, it contains:
%full_path_url%: | an (optional) URL of the RDoc page for this file
%full_path%: | the name of the file
%par_url%: | The (optional) URL of the RDoc page documenting
this class's parent class
%parent%: | The name of this classes parent.
For both files and classes, the body is passed the following information on
includes and methods:
%includes%: | Optional list of included modules. For each, it receives
%aref%: | optional URL to RDoc page for the module
%name%: | the name of the module
%method_list%: | Optional list of methods of a particular class and category.
Each method list entry contains:
%type%: | public/private/protected
%category%: | instance/class
%methods%: | a list of method descriptions
Each method description contains:
%aref%: | a target aref, used when referencing this method description. You should
code this as <a name="%aref%">
%codeurl%: | the optional URL to the page containing this method's source code.
%name%: | the method's name
%params%: | the method's parameters
%m_desc%: | the (potentially multi-paragraph) description of this method.
- Header for pages documenting classes and modules. See BODY above for the
available parameters.
- Header for pages documenting files. See BODY above for the available
- Controls the display of the listing of methods. See BODY for parameters.
- The top-level index page. For a browser-like environment define a frame set
that includes the file, class, and method indices. Passed
%title%: | title of page
%initial_page% : | url of initial page to display
- Individual files for the three indexes. Passed:
%index_url%: | URL of main index page
%entries%: | List of
%name%: | name of an index entry
%href%: | url of corresponding page
- Same as CLASS_INDEX for methods
- Same as CLASS_INDEX for methods
- A wrapper around CLASS_INDEX< METHOD_INDEX, and FILE_INDEX. If those
index strings contain the complete HTML for the output, then FR_INDEX_BODY
can simply be !INCLUDE!
- Page used to display source code. Passed %title%
and %code%, the latter being a multi-line string of code.